W H Y M L O T A?
Line Dance Guild
Our line dance guild or Lone Star Steppers as they like to be called, are a very devoted and energized group each time they get together. The members of this guild meet twice a week and are constantly learning new dances and practicing old ones. The guild hosts two annual events that bring in dancers from all over the state and even some out of state movers too.
Fiber Arts Guild
If it's fiber related then it is definitely a part of this guild. The members from this guild not only wash and spin wool, but they use floor looms and triangle looms to create magnificent pieces. Let's not forget about wool applique, rug hooking, proddy, embroidery and so many more fiber art forms.
Dimensional Arts Guild
This guild benefits from supporting sub-guilds. Dimensional Arts is comprised of wood, clay and glass. Woodcarving and wood burning, clay, pottery and scultpting along with mosaic and stained glass make up this fantastic guild and keep its members rather busy. We host an annual woodcarvers show for this art form.
Quilt Guild
You may think that quilting belongs in the fiber arts guild and you could be correct, but with so many devoted members in each we had the need to split these two groups and let each focus on their art form. Our quilters not only meet twice a week but they also prepare for our annual quilt show held each October.
Paint Guild
The paint guild is geared towards every type of medium that you can imagine from acrylic and oil to pastel and watercolor. Colored pencil and graphite artists are also among our members. This guild hosts an annual, judged art show each year in April that brings artists from all over Texas and even some from out of state.
Writers Guild
Mission: to bring readers and writers together and demonstrate writing as a form of art.
Join us the first Tuesday each month at 1pm (Room 6)